2025 USMA Ring Melt Ceremony

The West Point Ring Melt Ceremony, a cherished tradition where donated rings from past graduates are melted down and incorporated into new rings for the next generation of cadets, symbolizes the enduring bond between classes. Since starting in 2000, this annual event honors the legacy of those who came before and reinforces the timeless values of duty, honor, and country shared by all members of the Long Gray Line.

This year’s ceremony saw Bill DeGraf donate his ring which will be part of new rings for the the West Point Class of 2026.

A video reply of the ceremony, including this highlight for Bill’s donation, can be seen at https://youtu.be/CC2LSXYmCnI?t=4680

More information about the ceremony can be found at https://www.westpointaog.org/news/wpaog-hosts-25th-annual-ring-melt-ceremony/

Article about Charles L Butler

Vietnam magazine recently ran an article about Chuck Butler. LTC Butler, KIA near An Loc, RVN on June 21, 1972, was the last member of the class to die in combat. Thank you to LTC Butler’s son for sending in the article.



By John D. Howard

… As in the early 1960s, the only Americans fighting on the ground were a handful of U.S. advisers with the Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN). One of them was Lt. Col. Charles L. “Chuck” Butler, an adviser with the 31st ARVN Regiment, 21st ARVN Division, who I met the first week of May ’72.

…Chuck Butler was a seasoned combat veteran. He had been an adviser in Vietnam from 1963- 64 and an infantry platoon leader during the Ko- rean War. He was a true font of knowledge and had a great perspective on the war. His counsel proved to be invaluable to me as I was getting my feet on the ground. Because Chuck was a modest man, I didn’t learn of his heroism in Korea until years later.

Read the full article

Classmate General Fidel Ramos Dies at age 94

Former president of the Philippines and class of 1950 graduate Fidel “Eddie” Ramos passed away on July 31, 2022.

Eddie graduated from West Point, fought in Korea, then went on to become a general in the Philippine Army before serving as the 12th president of the Philippines from 1992 to 1998.

Read General Ramos’s Obituary from NBC News and see details about his Distinguished Graduate Award from West Point.

Col. Walter A. Wood III Funeral

COL. Walter A. Wood III funeral service has been scheduled for November 7, 2022 at Fort Myers Chapel, Arlington Va. at 9:00 am.

If attending the service, please be at the Chapel by 8:15 am.

Please contact Douglas Wood at douglaswoododbc@gmail.com or call (703-593-1359) with any questions.

LTC Charles L Butler Army Reserve Center Rededication

We are rededicating the LTC Charles L Butler Army Reserve Center in Saco, Maine in June 2022, the 70th anniversary of his death in Vietnam.

The 99th Readiness Division will be the host as it is the "owner" while another reserve unit that provides NCOs to West Point's summer training is the tenant.

The dates are still more than a year away, and have not yet been locked in, but if any members of the class of 1950 wanted to be included on the guest list, please let Ambassador Larry Butler know at law.butler@gmail.com.

70th Reunion Cancelled

The Superintendent made the difficult decision to not host the class reunions scheduled this spring at West Point. This decision was made given the current conditions with the Coronavirus pandemic and the pending deadline each reunion class is facing with their reunion hotel.

Numerous events at the Academy have been impacted by the pandemic, particularly those involving Alumni, Parents, and the public. Unfortunately, they are unable to reschedule our reunion as this is the third set of reunions that could not be hosted due to the pandemic.

If you made a hotel reservation through the AOG, do NOT cancel it. The AOG will take care of that and you will avoid cancellation fees.

The Class has had a long run of Reunions and Minis over the years. There were so many great times plus the wonderful tailgates and football weekends, so remember times past and the classmates and wives we got to know.

It is with great affection for all of you, and many thanks for your support, that we will miss our 70th Reunion..

Post Retirement Activities

For the Class of 1950 Reunion Report, we’d like to have a report on post retirement activities for our classmates. This informative report will help classmates and family learn more about all the great achievements of the Class of 1950.

Below is Jack Wagner’s report.

We’re encouraging classmates to prepare a similar report. You can download a Word document of Jack’s report to use as an example to base your report on. Once your report is ready, please email it to Bill DeGraf.

Jack Wagner’s Post Retirement Report

Post Military Retirement Activities of John E. and Louise Wagner

Our post military retirement activities include much travel, post retirement positions, volunteer activities, club memberships, entertaining, additional education and professional registration, and Class of 1950 projects.

Read More

Class Reunion Postponed

It is with deepest regret that we will have to postpone our reunion.  We are working with the WPAOG and USMA Staff to come up with new dates and will inform you when the date has been selected as well as when the hotel room blocks are open.  Speaking of room block, the WPAOG Staff will cancel your room for you.  We ask that you do not cancel them so that we, the Class of 1950, won’t owe the Thayer Hotel any fees for early cancellation.  Please be patient as we go through this epidemic. Stay safe and healthy!

Clyde Spence
Reunion Chair